
  Latest news  
:::::: Global leaders recommit to achieving food security ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Cambodia calls for successful conclusion of trade talks ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Fiji asks critics to have patience during reform period ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Climate change, economic crisis taking heavy toll on Caribbean, leaders tell UN ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Egypt urges Israeli to freeze settlement activity ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Ensuring respect for Geneva treaties on conduct in war still a challenge, UN chief says ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Morocco sees UN as most proper body to coordinate world efforts to address global crises ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Egypt decries politicization of human rights issues ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Laos calls for UN reform in time when "our world is facing numerous grave challenges" ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Leaders at UN debate push for greater efforts on climate change ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Thailand vows to promote "tangible" progress for climate change talks ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Nations reject unilateralism in face of global challenges at UN ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Chinese FM describes Hu's trip to U.S. as significant, far-reaching move ( 2009-09-27 )
:::::: Netherlands calls Iranian nuclear issue major challenge to world peace ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Commentary: World watches as global leaders address pressing issues ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Chinese president back home from UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 Pittsburgh summit ends with encouraging yields, challenges remain ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Pittsburgh summit produces roadmap for post-crisis world ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Quotable quotes from Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Developing nations seek common development at G20 ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Highlights of Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Mexico champions climate change talks at G20 summit: finance minister ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: S Korean president warns against premature exit strategies ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Japanese PM remarks on host of challenges at U.N., G20 meetings ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 has exceptional role: Lula ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 summit in Pittsburgh forges new framework for growth: Obama ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 leaders try to lay groundwork for sustainable, balanced growth ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 agrees to shift more IMF voting power to developing countries ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 efforts help save world economy from brink of collapse: Obama ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Progress on financial reform "bright spot" at G20 summit: Chinese official ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Chinese president leaves for home after attending UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 vows to promote sustainable employment recovery ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Arab League salutes start to Obama's Mideast peace process ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Lebanese president rejects "any form" of Palestinian settlement of refugees ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 agrees to strengthen support for emerging and developing countries ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Obama warns about consequences if diplomacy fails to solve Iran nuclear issue ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Obama says Pittsburgh summit "tranquil" despite protests ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 leaders vow to strengthen int'l financial regulatory system ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 agrees to shift more IMF voting power to developing countries ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 leaders agree to continue stimulus programs ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: G20 summit ends in Pittsburgh after adopting leaders' statement ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Barroso "happy" with decisions made at Pittsburgh G20 summit ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Large-scale protest erupts in Pittsburgh ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Palestine calls on world to press Israel to stop settlement activities ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Obama, Brown meet on Afghanistan, Iran, financial crisis ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Pakistan vows to uproot terrorism, calling for more int'l support ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: South Korean, Canadian leaders announce to co-chair G20 summit in 2010 ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Dominican president urges increased aid to tackle financial crisis ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: UN must not underestimate cyber threats, says Estonian leader ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Call them what you will, "climate change migrants" are illegal: UNHCR ( 2009-09-26 )
:::::: Iran's secret nuclear site draws condemnation from West ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: UN General Assembly hears call for greater efforts to close gap between rich, poor ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Chinese president calls for efforts to promote growth, balanced development ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Canada to host first G8, G20 combined meeting ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Chinese president delivers address to G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: G20 leaders start Pittsburgh Summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: U.S., France, Britain condemn Iran's secret nuke site, demand compliance ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Obama urges Iran to restore confidence of int'l community ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Backgrounder: Schedule of G-20 summit on Sept. 25 ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Quotable quotes from Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Russia expects G20 summit to shape global financial future ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Security Council urges world free of nuclear weapons during historic summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Israel urges UN to contain Iranian nuclear threat ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Third G20 summit kicks off in Pittsburgh ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Leaders call for Security Council reform at UN debate ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: G20 leaders gather in Pittsburgh for financial summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: U.S. says financial regulatory reform most import topic for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Quartet urges Israel, Palestinians to create conditions for talks resumption ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Hatoyama calls for building of East Asian community ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Turkey urges resumption of Israeli-Palestinian talks ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Police fire tear gas at unapproved protest march in Pittsburgh ahead of G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: U.S. president Obama arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Prominent nuclear disarmament organization welcomes UN nuclear-free call ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: World Bank President Zoellick arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: IMF chief Strauss-Kahn arrives in Pittsburgh ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Brazilian president arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Russian president arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 Pittsburgh summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Pittsburgh fully unfolds security plan ahead of G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Doubts loom over U.S. aims to ramp up exports, reshape global economy: experts ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Costa Rican calls on UN Security Council to "make good on the promise" for peace ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Chinese president arrives for G20 summit in Pittsburgh ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: EU president arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Bosnian leader urges rich nations to do more to tackle financial crisis ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: With aim of nuke-free world, UN Security Council adopts anti-atomic resolution ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Backgrounder: Major topics of G20 Pittsburgh Summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Indian PM arrives in Pittsburgh for G20 summit ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Backgrounder: Chronology of events since financial crisis began ( 2009-09-25 )
:::::: Climate message received, but still waiting for action ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Nuclear disarmament "the only sane path" to a safer world, Ban says ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president makes proposal at UNSC nuclear summit before heading for Pittsburgh ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president attends Security Council meeting on nuclear disarmament ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Backgrounder: Pittsburgh -- Legend from America's Steel Capital to Green City ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Pittsburgh shows off transition as G-20 leaders visit ?? ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president addresses UN General Assembly, meets Russian, S Korean presidents ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Highlights of Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Quotable quotes from Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: China calls for early resumption of talks on Iran's nuclear program ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: UN convenes high-level meeting on forest protection ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese FM meets Mexican, Kazakh, Belgian counterparts ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: General debate at UN headquarters in New York ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: U.S. consumers to be affected by tariff hike on Chinese tires ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president calls for building harmonious world ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president pledges further assistance to other developing countries ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Uruguay calls for expanded globalization ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Global fight against AIDS goes airborne ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chile urges reform of int'l financial system ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese president addresses UN General Assembly ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: U.S. economist urges G20 summit to address "too-big-to-fail" issue ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: France calls for reform of world financial institutes ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: EU stresses role of UN in resolving problems in globalized world ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: ROK urges DPRK to return to six-party talks ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: South Korea to announce emissions cut target before yearend ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Qaddafi attacks UN Security Council, praises Obama ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Obama proclaims America's "new era of engagement with the world" at UN ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: UN chief call for unity to face challenges as UN's annual debate begins ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: UNGA president stresses UN role in addressing global challenges ( 2009-09-24 )
:::::: Chinese, S Korean presidents meet in New York on bilateral ties ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Libya blames few countries for using military power against others ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese, Russian presidents meet on bilateral ties ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Brail urges reform of world financial mechanism ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Obama says world must embrace new era of engagement ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: China's green policy lauded at UN climate summit ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Hong Kong's financial chief to attend G-20 Summit ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Q & A: How does Chinese government react to climate change? ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Quotable quotes from Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: S Korea to hold bilateral summits with China, Japan on DPRK issues ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: President Hu's attitude at UN climate summit "inspiring": experts ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese official: China plays constructive role in tackling climate change ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Highlights of Chinese president's tour in U.S. ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Indonesian President leaves for G20 meeting ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese FM meets Indian, Brazilian, South African, Mexican counterparts ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Feature: UN chief goes green at Climate Change Summit ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Pushing for momentum at UN climate change summit to seal deal in Copenhagen ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: UN concludes summit on climate change with call for action ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese FM meets UN General Assembly president ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese, South African leaders agree to deepen bilateral relations ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese, U.S. presidents discuss bilateral ties ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: UN GA president, Obama hold wide-ranging talks ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese president calls for int'l efforts to address climate change ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Japanese prime minister urges greater efforts to address climate change ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: UN calls on world leaders to accelerate action on climate change ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: UN convenes largest-ever summit on climate change ( 2009-09-23 )
:::::: Chinese president says to further integrate actions on climate change into economic development ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president highlights principles to tackle climate change ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president says climate change should be addressed through common development ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Record number of world leaders meet to beef up climate change efforts ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Obama says developed nations have responsibility to lead in dealing with climate change ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president attends UN climate change summit ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president meets world leaders before UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president meets with foreign leaders in New York ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: British PM: "We want a world without protectionism" ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: S Korean president meets with UN chief ahead of UN summit ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: China, Japan vow to promote bilateral ties ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese, French presidents pledge to further bilateral relations ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese, Bolivian presidents agree to further bilateral relations ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese, Bolivian presidents discuss bilateral ties ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese, Turkmen presidents pledge to further ties ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: UN summit to rally political support for climate change negotiations ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: World economic structure changing with financial crisis ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Interview: G20 Pittsburgh to focus more on long-term global issues ( 2009-09-22 )
:::::: Chinese president arrives in U.S. for UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-21 )
:::::: A vital diplomatic trip to boost int'l co-op ( 2009-09-21 )
:::::: China, responsible, faithful member of United Nations ( 2009-09-21 )
:::::: Chinese president leaves for UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-21 )
:::::: Global economic crisis not over yet, at least for the poor, UN report says ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: Patent applications continue rising in China despite global crisis, says WIPO ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: IMF to sell gold to support poor countries ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: UN climate summit to lay all cards on table ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: Mayor views G20 summit as chance to showcase diverse economy, grow business ( 2009-09-20 )
:::::: Global production of A/H1N1 vaccines far less than forecast, says WHO ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: UNESCO fails to produce new Director-General on 2nd voting ( 2009-09-19 )
:::::: Chinese leaders meet UN chief ( 2009-07-25 )
:::::: Browns says five urgent challenges for G20 Pittsburgh summit ( 2009-09-21 )
:::::: ROK president expects meeting with Hu during G20 Pittsburgh Summit ( 2009-08-20 )
:::::: Hu to attend UN general debate for first time ( 2009-09-17 )
:::::: President Hu to voice stance on climate change, economic recovery, security at UN, G20 summits ( 2009-09-15 )
:::::: Hu to attend UN meetings, G20 summit ( 2009-09-14 )
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